Since it’s been months since I’ve posted anything, I just wanted to resurface to verify that I am not dead, not at all.
I’m working on the Jesse stories, and I did think I’d have them done months ago, but I’ve been prioritizing a lot of other projects instead. See, I had this idea I’d write something a bit more commercially viable than the GQ books, but I’m beginning to think that’s just not something I can do. Everything I touch turns to weird.
I’ve written at least 500K of various projects since putting out ACAT/AFC, so I’ve kept busy. Whether it’ll amount to anything is unclear, but at least I’m working.
Anyway, if you’ve been waiting for Jesse stories, I won’t promise anything, but springtime doesn’t seem like an unreasonable goal.
Dear Darrah,
Thank you for the update. You’ve settled an anxiety of mine – that you might have had some kind of transformative spiritual experience and had joined a pious, silent community, leaving your word processor and your wonderful characters behind. We’ll wait for the Jesse stories with hope. Take great care of your blithe spirit!