Tag Archives: A Free Choice

importance of the martin stories

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, when I wrote A Superior Slave (GQ 0.5), it was a sort of last-minute idea that I thought might help generate interest in the main books. I had all this backstory worked out for Martin and the other slaves that really wouldn’t fit into Henry’s books, and it suddenly occurred to me other people might actually be interested. Originally, there was just going to be this single story offered from Martin’s point of view and then the four main books from Henry’s. The Martin story wasn’t meant to be 100% required reading, though obviously I did (and still do) feel that it adds to the experience of reading A Most Personal Property (GQ 1).

Continue reading importance of the martin stories

A Free Choice (GQ Book 4.5)

A Free Choice (Ganymede Quartet Book 4.5) FREE

AFC 500

Love should be a choice, not an obligation or duty.

Martin’s own birthday is just days before Henry’s. Parties have been planned, but with everything that’s happened, will anyone feel like celebrating?

Taking place concurrent with events at the end of A Collar and Tie (Ganymede Quartet Book 4), A Free Choice concludes the series—for now.

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AFC can be read for FREE at AO3