Tag Archives: interview!

interview by Leta Blake at Keira Andrews’ blog

In case you missed it, the interview I did with Leta Blake is posted at Keira Andrews’ blog.

Superior Slaves? Shy Masters? A New M/M Romance Series by Darrah Glass

If you haven’t read Keira’s highly-acclaimed gay Amish romance, Forbidden Rumspringa, you’re missing out on a wonderfully angsty, romantic love story and a glimpse into a community you might not be familiar with.  Isaac and David’s story is unforgettable and I recommend it wholeheartedly!

Interview about GQ series at Leta Blake’s blog

GQwalking500My dear Leta Blake asked me to answer a few questions about the Ganymede Quartet books over at her blog. I tell her where I got the idea to write slaves in the 20th century and talk a little about the research I did to make the rest of the story as believable as possible.

Interview with Darrah Glass by Leta Blake

Thank you so much, Leta, for your thoughtful questions!